Wednesday, November 3, 2010


This morning, liberals, progressives, democrat candidates and campaign workers are licking their wounds after a tough battle as the GOP/Tea Party licks its collective chops. If you think the campaigns ads were ugly, you ain't seen nothing yet.

Mitch McConnell has stated his top priority is making Barack Obama a one-term president. It isn't jobs, the economy, even attempting to repeal "Obama Care." The grid-lock we saw in the Senate last year will pale in comparison to the partisanship of the next two years. Some of the blue dog democrats remain and will vote with the GOP and cloture will be next to impossible on any one issue. The 200+ bills passed by congress will continue to languish in limbo while the republicans sing echo the Groucho Marx song "Whatever it is, I'm against it."

The House, under a Speaker John Boehner, promises to be grotesque. He expects the president to compromise with the GOP as though he never has. Historically, Mr. Obama has compromised Single Payer and the Public Option, to name only two items, and received no GOP votes on anything! Finance reform and other bills received presidential compromises to the point that he appeared to be giving away the farm his entire term and the GOP response? "Hell no you don't!" Add to this GOP position, the Tea Party darling Michelle Bachman and her cronies who have promised to use GOP supeona power to organize witch hunts.

Republicans, tea partiers, and disaffected voters expect the GOP's priority to be jobs, but under the GOP, manufacturers received tax incentives for shipping jobs out of the country. That won't change. The democrats wanted a jobs bill that would build infrastructure, but the GOP won't pass or fund jobs bills. Guaranteed, unemployment will rise, but benefits will decline. Expect an increase in the retirement age and privatized social security which will be wiped out with the next stock market crash. Medicare hangs in the balance.

Repeal of Health Care Reform means more people will become uninsured due to pre-existing conditions including pregnancy, and unrestrained insurance premiums.

On the upside, Saturday Night Live, The Daily Show, and Steven Colbert will be funnier than ever--provided you can still afford to watch them.

Friday, October 22, 2010


GOTV = Get Out The Vote

Not sure you'll vote this year? I can think of no one who will be impacted by this year's election. From the White House to the homeless shelter, everyone will be directly touched.

While President Obama has been able to accomplish quite a bit, he has been stymied by the deadlock on Capitol Hill. Bill after bill has passed Congress only to be blocked by the republicans in the Senate who refuse to allow a vote.

Republicans have called en masse for a repeal of the Health Care Reform law. If they get their way, there will be no coverage for college students and young adults now allowed on their parent's insurance; people with pre-existing conditions; children with serious health conditions; and so on.

Republicans have consistently voted against Wall Street reform despite the damage done to the economy. Even now, banks have a death grip on money, refusing to provide loans to small businesses which would otherwise hire. People are fighting two years and more for loan modifications and homes are going into foreclosure, dragging down housing values around them.

Jobs bills, extension of unemployment, and more which directly effect all of us are at stake. Big business ships jobs overseas and receives tax breaks for doing so. Ever call a company for technical support? How many times have you spoken to another American?

Review your republican senators, representatives voting records. Are they consistent with the needs and values of your family? Will they preserve your job? Will they protect you and your loved ones if your job is outsourced?

You decide. Neither you nor your country can afford voter apathy.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Open Letter to Judy Biggert

Dear Congresswoman Biggert:

Early voting has begun in Illinois Congressional District 13. I voted for you two years ago on faith. The recession and having a recently unemployed teacher for a husband have made me a more thoughtful voter this time around. Preparing to vote in a few days, I'm comparing your voting record to my values and situation.

Women's issues: You voted against the Lilly Ledbetter Act. Do you not believe women deserve equal pay for equal work? You voted for the Stupak-Pitts Amendment. I don't believe the government should have a role in women's health management. Okay, so what about the other issues?

As congress debated health care reform, my uninsured 24 year old step-daughter battled Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Three pleas for your support garnered form letter responses. Health Care Reform would have kept her on our insurance. Praise God, she has recovered, but now has a pre-existing condition which would make her uninsurable. You are committed to repealing her protection. Does this have anything to do with the $400,000+ you received from the health care industry?

A "green girl," the environment is very important to me. I re-use, reduce, repurpose, and recycle wherever possible. There again we are at odds. You don't support Cap and Trade. In the wake of the horrific oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, I was appalled to learn you voted for cash incentives for off-shore drilling. Can't help wonder if the tons of money you received from BP colored that decision.

My husband lost his special education teaching job due to your vote against the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act which would have kept thousands of Illinois teachers, police officers, and firefighters employed. You voted against extending unemployment benefits and the Senate Jobs bill.

I get the impression you've lost touch with your constituents. Foreclosures began hitting this district, two in my Palos Park neighborhood, a fairly affluent community. Many unemployed people here are draining their IRAs to pay the mortgages. "For Sale" signs are popping up everywhere and they are not coming down. Our standard of living is diminishing while you vote the GOP platform.

Scott Harper meets with consituents throughout the district on a regular basis and is committed to job creation, alternative energy, health care reform, women's issues, finance reform, and other issues impacting this district. He won't blindly vote along party lines.

Scott Harper gets my vote this year. He will represent us in Washington.


Gayl Caul

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

One Nation

Friday evening, my husband and I boarded a bus bound for Washington, DC. Our destination: the Lincoln Memorial. Our cause: the One Nation march and rally. As the bus departed from Chicago, I received a call from the organizers asking me to speak with Van Jones.

Due to a series of traffic jams, overcrowded streets, etc., I missed the opportunity to speak. My message, however, was too important not to be shared.

Question: Does the intentional gridlock in Washington, DC indicate a war on the middle class?

Two years ago, my husband and I were typical middle class Americans. We had a little money in the bank and paid off our credit cards monthly. We were not wealthy, but we were comfortable. Everything seemed stable.

Our worlds was shaken when Hodgkin's lymphoma attacked Ted's uninsured daughter. We didn't know what to do. Would we have to sell the house to get her treatment? Then we learned the property values had dropped. Praise God that a charity stepped in and arranged for her care and Amy is alive and well today.

As she recovered, the stock market crashed, virtually wiping out Ted's IRA. Thank God, Ted had a job. If he could work three more years, he'd get full retirement benefits from Teachers Retirement and Social Security.

Illinois became insolvent. It's budgets for public schools was slashed. Thousands of teachers throughout the state lost their jobs. Ted was among them. He's competing with fresh, young teachers who will be paid much less than he made last year. Now, this special education teacher is considering paraprofessional (teachers' aide) positions.

Republicans have repeatedly voted against the middle class on health care, Lilly Ledbetter, finance reform, extended unemployment benefits, and funding for teachers, police, and fire fighters.

Why should we even consider voting republican this year? I can find no incentive when they have consistently voted against the middle class.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The truth about Health Care Reform

While on vacation, I've listened to numerous politicians and talking heads discuss their positions on health care reform in the form of HR 3200. The government would make my medical decisions; granny would face death panels or be euthanized; and someone would decide what care I, as a person with disabilities, would be eligible to receive. It will throw the federal government into trillions of dollars in debt.

However, I have been educated by Democratic congressmen and senators, as well as progressive talk show hosts on MSNBC, and reporters on CNN. HR 3200 is a work in progress and that the president will not sign any bill which does not pay for itself. The bill prevents the insurance industry excluding care for pre-existing conditions--something I especially appreciate. A Republican congressman, who now opposes the bill, inserted the clause promising any senior wanting it can discuss end-of-life care with a health care professional not unlike the Living Will which I drafted with an attorney.

The vast majority of congressmen and senators fighting this bill are recipients of campaign contributions from the insurance industry and big Pharma. Their opposition must be seen in light of this influence. The green of these monies distorts their vision.

Those who listen to the likes of Rush Limbaugh and these politicians are duped. Read the HR 3200 in its present form--not as filtered through Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, or Republican politicians. You will only learn the truth by reading the bill.

God Bless You

Gayl J. Caul

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Need for Public Option or Single Payer

My Republican friends don't understand why I strongly support Public Option or Single Payer, so I am taking this time to explain.

First, my stepdaughter has been battling Hodgkins Lymphoma for a couple years now. She has no insurance and my husband and I are unable to help her. The only reason she's been able to get help is that a local foundation for people with cancer paid for her care while helping her obtain a state medical card.

Second, my stepdaughter's fiance wound up in intensive care with a ruptured esophagus and electrolyte imbalance. He is unemployed and therefore uninsured.

I come third. I have a disability and am unable to work. My disability check is small and leaves me with the choice of paying my bills or paying co-pays for medication. I cannot get insurance due to price and pre-existing conditions. Medicare is not a good option because the donut hole would strangle me. I don't have the money to get through that period.

Fourth, my husband wants to retire. He runs himself ragged dealing his his special education students and comes home completely wiped out. We know he cannot continue at this pace, but we depend on job for the insurance benefit. He cannot afford to buy insurance for us after retiring, so he perseveres with his job.

Not that long ago, I needed a life-saving surgery while I had different insurance coverage. The insurance company insisted the surgery was elective and refused to approve it. My lips were blue and I had almost no voice, my heart was seriously compromised. I was dieing. Finally, the surgeon prevailed in his battles with my insurer. He was the only one in the entire state capable of doing the procedure, but the company balked because the hospital was out of network. Lord bless that medical man because he told me, "you've got to have this done NOW. Don't worry. I'll deal with the insurance company and hospital and I'll accept out-of-network benefits." Due to his persistence, I can write this eight years after the fact.

That's only my family. There are millions more families in this country who currently struggle due to pre-existing conditions, inadequate coverage, or an inability to obtain insurance. My voice is but one among the many. We need Single Payer or Public Option. We believe that the co-op is a cop out. Make your voices heard.

Gayl Caul

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Kucinich in Aurora, IL

Ted and I had a great time this afternoon. After a quiet morning, we watched the Chicago White Sox lose to the Bronx Bombers.

Later this afternoon, we drove to Aurora, Illinois, to a rally for Single Payer medical coverage (Medicare for all). We saw a number of interesting speakers, beginning with Illinois state congresswoman Mary Flowers who authored and sponsors a bill before the Illinois legislator to bring Single Payer to Illinois. She is a most impressive individual who fights with a passion to bring the best to our state and her district.

Illinois state representative Mike Boland is another legislator who sponsors that same bill. He is a tiger and a fierce advocate for his people. He told those of us assembled that he will not be running for re-election to this post. Rather, he will be running for Illinois Lieutenant Governor. I'd like to know more about him, but he would definitely be on my radar.

The highlight of the afternoon came next. Ohio congressman Dennis Kucinich was incredible! Not only did co-author HR 676, a congressional bill to create Single Payer for the nation, but he got the Kucinich amendment into HR 3200, the health insurance reform bill. His amendment would allow for the states with single payer health care to be excluded from any mandate to require participation in this health insurance reform law.

Following his speech to encourage Illinois' fight for state single payer health care, Congressman Kucinich took questions from the audience. The second question was mine. I told him that I had already spoken with Congresswoman Judy Biggert's office which responded with a letter detailing her position against Single Payer, Public Option, and for tort reform. I asked him what I could do. He replied that she did vote to include the Kucinich amendment and suggested that I contact her office again, requesting that she support its retention as the bill continues its way through Congress.

We did hear from a couple Green Party spokespeople who sounded more than a little radical. I thought Progressives like me were lefties. These spokespeople were so far to the left that I almost couldn't see them. Guess I'm more moderate than I thought!

Anyway, it was a most informative and thought-provoking event.

Mom is having her angiogram, possibly an angioplasty, tomorrow morning, so Ted and I will be headed out that way. I cannot expect Ted to spend the entire day at the hospital with me, so I have encouraged him to get in a round of golf and check out the local historical sites. I'll have to post tomorrow about her outcome.

God bless you all--
