Sunday, August 2, 2009

Kucinich in Aurora, IL

Ted and I had a great time this afternoon. After a quiet morning, we watched the Chicago White Sox lose to the Bronx Bombers.

Later this afternoon, we drove to Aurora, Illinois, to a rally for Single Payer medical coverage (Medicare for all). We saw a number of interesting speakers, beginning with Illinois state congresswoman Mary Flowers who authored and sponsors a bill before the Illinois legislator to bring Single Payer to Illinois. She is a most impressive individual who fights with a passion to bring the best to our state and her district.

Illinois state representative Mike Boland is another legislator who sponsors that same bill. He is a tiger and a fierce advocate for his people. He told those of us assembled that he will not be running for re-election to this post. Rather, he will be running for Illinois Lieutenant Governor. I'd like to know more about him, but he would definitely be on my radar.

The highlight of the afternoon came next. Ohio congressman Dennis Kucinich was incredible! Not only did co-author HR 676, a congressional bill to create Single Payer for the nation, but he got the Kucinich amendment into HR 3200, the health insurance reform bill. His amendment would allow for the states with single payer health care to be excluded from any mandate to require participation in this health insurance reform law.

Following his speech to encourage Illinois' fight for state single payer health care, Congressman Kucinich took questions from the audience. The second question was mine. I told him that I had already spoken with Congresswoman Judy Biggert's office which responded with a letter detailing her position against Single Payer, Public Option, and for tort reform. I asked him what I could do. He replied that she did vote to include the Kucinich amendment and suggested that I contact her office again, requesting that she support its retention as the bill continues its way through Congress.

We did hear from a couple Green Party spokespeople who sounded more than a little radical. I thought Progressives like me were lefties. These spokespeople were so far to the left that I almost couldn't see them. Guess I'm more moderate than I thought!

Anyway, it was a most informative and thought-provoking event.

Mom is having her angiogram, possibly an angioplasty, tomorrow morning, so Ted and I will be headed out that way. I cannot expect Ted to spend the entire day at the hospital with me, so I have encouraged him to get in a round of golf and check out the local historical sites. I'll have to post tomorrow about her outcome.

God bless you all--


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