Friday, October 15, 2010

Open Letter to Judy Biggert

Dear Congresswoman Biggert:

Early voting has begun in Illinois Congressional District 13. I voted for you two years ago on faith. The recession and having a recently unemployed teacher for a husband have made me a more thoughtful voter this time around. Preparing to vote in a few days, I'm comparing your voting record to my values and situation.

Women's issues: You voted against the Lilly Ledbetter Act. Do you not believe women deserve equal pay for equal work? You voted for the Stupak-Pitts Amendment. I don't believe the government should have a role in women's health management. Okay, so what about the other issues?

As congress debated health care reform, my uninsured 24 year old step-daughter battled Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Three pleas for your support garnered form letter responses. Health Care Reform would have kept her on our insurance. Praise God, she has recovered, but now has a pre-existing condition which would make her uninsurable. You are committed to repealing her protection. Does this have anything to do with the $400,000+ you received from the health care industry?

A "green girl," the environment is very important to me. I re-use, reduce, repurpose, and recycle wherever possible. There again we are at odds. You don't support Cap and Trade. In the wake of the horrific oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, I was appalled to learn you voted for cash incentives for off-shore drilling. Can't help wonder if the tons of money you received from BP colored that decision.

My husband lost his special education teaching job due to your vote against the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act which would have kept thousands of Illinois teachers, police officers, and firefighters employed. You voted against extending unemployment benefits and the Senate Jobs bill.

I get the impression you've lost touch with your constituents. Foreclosures began hitting this district, two in my Palos Park neighborhood, a fairly affluent community. Many unemployed people here are draining their IRAs to pay the mortgages. "For Sale" signs are popping up everywhere and they are not coming down. Our standard of living is diminishing while you vote the GOP platform.

Scott Harper meets with consituents throughout the district on a regular basis and is committed to job creation, alternative energy, health care reform, women's issues, finance reform, and other issues impacting this district. He won't blindly vote along party lines.

Scott Harper gets my vote this year. He will represent us in Washington.


Gayl Caul

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