Friday, October 22, 2010


GOTV = Get Out The Vote

Not sure you'll vote this year? I can think of no one who will be impacted by this year's election. From the White House to the homeless shelter, everyone will be directly touched.

While President Obama has been able to accomplish quite a bit, he has been stymied by the deadlock on Capitol Hill. Bill after bill has passed Congress only to be blocked by the republicans in the Senate who refuse to allow a vote.

Republicans have called en masse for a repeal of the Health Care Reform law. If they get their way, there will be no coverage for college students and young adults now allowed on their parent's insurance; people with pre-existing conditions; children with serious health conditions; and so on.

Republicans have consistently voted against Wall Street reform despite the damage done to the economy. Even now, banks have a death grip on money, refusing to provide loans to small businesses which would otherwise hire. People are fighting two years and more for loan modifications and homes are going into foreclosure, dragging down housing values around them.

Jobs bills, extension of unemployment, and more which directly effect all of us are at stake. Big business ships jobs overseas and receives tax breaks for doing so. Ever call a company for technical support? How many times have you spoken to another American?

Review your republican senators, representatives voting records. Are they consistent with the needs and values of your family? Will they preserve your job? Will they protect you and your loved ones if your job is outsourced?

You decide. Neither you nor your country can afford voter apathy.

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